Exit Cities: A New Paradigm for Community Living
Welcome to the concept of Exit Cities - a revolutionary approach to community living that allows groups to create spaces with special laws tailored to their unique needs and values. This presentation will explore what Exit Cities are, how they work, and the vision behind this innovative idea.
What is an Exit City?
Real Physical City
An Exit City is a real, physical city designed for a community that needs special laws.
Charter City Variant
It is a type of Charter City, with unique governance and regulations.
Outside the System
We call it an Exit City because it exists outside of the existing system.
It allows communities to build what they really want and believe in.
Understanding Special Laws


Special laws are unique regulations that differ from those in most countries, tailored to the needs of a specific community.


For instance, a community of nudists might create an Exit City where they can live an entirely nude lifestyle, based on a special law allowing nudity at all times.


The possibilities for special laws are endless, limited only by the imagination and needs of the community.
Acceptance of Special Laws


Libertarian Approach
The Exit City organization is libertarian and agnostic regarding special laws. They believe people have the right to lobby for any special law in their Exit City.


Host Country Approval
Approval is on a voluntary basis from the host country. The organization does its best for each group to be approved.


Investment Potential
If the community is large enough and the deposit substantial, it is the organization's professional opinion that any special law and Exit City will be approved based on investment potential.
Vision and Purpose of Exit Cities
New Spaces
Create new spaces with unique laws
Voluntary Movement
Allow people to voluntarily move between cities
Positive Outcomes
Enable a more stable, peaceful, creative, and prosperous world
Organization and Management
Run by a team under a leading private company in the Charter City space
Support Team
Assisted by volunteers, interns, and community members
Community Involvement
Each Exit City group is primarily run by its community
Organizational Support
The Exit City organization provides help and guidance
Funding the Exit City Organization
Silicon Valley Investors
The company was invested in by high-profile Silicon Valley investors.
Interest from Deposits
The organization takes interest from community deposits to fund its work.
Equity Stakes
They take equity stakes in new Exit Cities, creating a financial incentive for approval.
Community Funding
The organization is community funded through 5% of subscriptions.
Success Story: A Real Exit City


Community Building
Years spent uniting a large community (~1M) around the vision of a culturally unique Exit City


The Exit City was approved by the host country


The city is currently under construction


Unique Features
Completely unique laws, independent immigration, unique taxes, and governed by a private city board
Understanding Host Countries
Any country could potentially host an Exit City
Approval Process
Usually requires passing legislation or an executive act
Interested Parties
Countries from the global south are most likely to be interested due to investment potential
Host countries often offer various advantages for Exit Cities
Subscription and Deposit System
Host Country Approval Process
Deposit Verification
Subscription-based deposit is verified to host countries as proof of investment capacity
Approval Decision
If the deposit is large enough, host countries will likely approve an Exit City zone and law
Investment Benefits
Approval allows for investment in infrastructure, job creation, technology transfer, and skilled expertise
Host Country Support
The investment benefit makes host countries supportive of Exit City projects
Deposit Security Measures


Separate Bank Accounts
Full deposits for each Exit City community are kept in separate bank accounts in the US ($5000 minimum)


FDIC Insurance
These accounts are FDIC insured for $5M each


Additional Insurance
The organization is working on additional insurance for deposits over $5M


Access Control
Primary deposit balances (after 5%) are in semi-fixed accounts only accessed with community approval
Exit Neighborhoods and Enclaves
Multiple Communities
Multiple Exit City communities can form an alliance and have separate neighborhoods within one Exit City
Unique Laws
Each neighborhood or enclave can have its own specific laws
Accelerated Approval
This approach can accelerate the approval process by pooling resources and investment deposit
Importance of One Clear Goal
Unifying Factor
People unite first around a clear single goal, such as the ability to live a nude lifestyle for nudists
Complex Individuals
At least One special law must be enough to unite the otherwise diverse and complex community individuals
Evolving Vision
The rest of the details for the Exit City are figured out along the way as the community develops
Community Size and Growth


Initial Target
An Exit City community should target 100,000 people to start the process


Guaranteed Approval
Reaching one million people should guarantee an approval for almost any law


If growth is slow, communities can form alliances with other Exit City communities


Enclave Formation
For example, 5 communities of 200,000 could become a 1,000,000 strong Exit City
The Secret Sauce: Rapid Community Growth
Strong Unity
Approve Exit City concepts where the community is very strongly united around a particular law / lifestyle
Growth Tools
Provide a guide and tool for each community to easily find and invite other like-minded people
Community Effort
Each new community member spends an hour or so, spread over a few days, inviting others
Exponential Growth
This method unlocks exponential community growth, potentially reaching millions quickly
Tentative Development Roadmap


Platform Improvements
Custom built platform with more user-friendly interface and better backend


Growth Tools
Rebuild custom community growth tool for easier coordination on invitations


Reward System
Commission $ or token rewards for community growth beyond ten people


Community Engagement
New roles & opportunities for community members with possible payment
Unlisted Exit Cities
Most Exit Cities are unlisted, meaning they are not shared publicly
These communities are invite-only to maintain privacy
Matching Concepts
If you propose a concept similar to an existing unlisted city, you may be invited to join
The organization does not confirm or deny the existence of unlisted cities
Handling 'Boring Laws'


Template Provision
The organization provides a template of best practice (Charter City) general laws


Economic and Cultural Success
These general laws are designed to be good for the City economically and culturally


Community Review
Each community looks at these laws and decides what to add, remove, or change


Final Decision
Ultimately, each community decides what they want for their 'boring' general law.
Joining an Exit City
You should receive an Exit City code if someone invites you
New City Application
If you don't have a code, you can apply to create a new Exit City
Existing City Match
If your concept matches an existing city, you may be invited to join
The monthly cost/subscription is the same whether joining or creating a new city
After Joining: Next Steps


Community Integration
You are added to the community group where you can interact with other members


Growth Contribution
You'll be asked to help grow the community by inviting 10 people (one-time task)


Ongoing Engagement
You're encouraged to engage with the community on planning and stay updated on progress


Approval Process
Once the community is large enough, Charter City experts start negotiating with a host country for approval
Troubleshooting and Support
Detailed Description
If you're having trouble joining or paying the subscription, provide a detailed description of the problem
Visual Aid
Use a screenshot if it helps explain the issue
Contact Method
Email your concerns to support@exitcity.org
Prompt Assistance
The support team will work to resolve your issue quickly
Moving to an Exit City
Gradual Process
Not everyone who pays a subscription will move immediately. The process is gradual, with perhaps 10,000 moving in the first build, and 10 times that a few years later.
Right to Move
While everyone would have the right to move, it would still cost money and require a big change. People will likely take their time.
Community Support
If everyone pulls together and supports each other to move and build, growth will happen very quickly.
Designing Your Exit City
Eco-Friendly Options
Your community could choose to live in treehouses or focus on organic farming.
Unique Architecture
The city doesn't have to be a big concrete jungle. You can design it to match your community's vision.
Community-Driven Design
The design will normally be connected to the community vision, decided by consensus.
Why Declare an Exit City?
Declare your independence and self-govern your community with your own rules and laws.
Experiment with new ideas and solutions that can improve quality of life beyond traditional constraints.
Attract like-minded individuals to build a thriving, purpose-driven community aligned with your values.